2016年3月10日 星期四

Microchip MPLAB X IDE 開發程式流程 (for beginner)

之前都用 MPLAB IDE 在開發產品,最近開始使用新版的 MPLAB X IDE。一開始問題真的好多,在一陣 try & error 後,終於比較熟悉。以下是我自己的新案子開發流程

1. 按 File -> New Project

因為在 Code Configurator 內找不到我在用的 PIC18LF2550, 所以找了一顆接腳一樣的來用。

在完成新專案後,使用 Code Configurator 來產生週邊裝置的樣版程式。我很喜歡這個功能,所以就不用舊版的 IDE。

按 Code Configurator 後,產生下面的畫面,按下 System, 設定系統頻率。


按 pin Manager, 選 package.

最後按下 Generate Code,


1. 設定 include 目錄,在專案名稱 xxx 點 2 下,

點 XC8 compiler 就可設定 include 目錄。

2. 調整字體大小。在主畫面按 TOOL -> OPTION, 在選 Fonts & Colors

2016年3月2日 星期三

How to fix ESP8266 flash issues of invalid header of packet and flash over time

Bought a ESP8266-01 and a FT232 USB2TTL boards from Ruten (Taiwan's eBay).  Both of boards were made in the China.

I use old version of esp8266_flasher.exe and the latest flash program downloaded from bbs.ai-thinker.com. I got the following error messages during upgrading process to latest firmware of V.

1. invalid header of packet.
2. flash over time

I got some solutions from google search and it seems the only way to fix this issue is to flash ESP8266 from esptool.py which we can download from Github https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool and modify the following value in the esptool.py.  Without modification, I got same error message.

    # Maximum block sized for RAM and Flash writes, respectively.
    ESP_RAM_BLOCK   = 0x1800  
    ESP_FLASH_BLOCK = 0x40     (change from 400 to 40,  I tried many times, the terminal will get error message if this value > 40) I don't know why ??? I guess it's because of the flash maker.  The one I saw on my ESP8266-01 board is Berg Micro 25Q80A I can't even find its website and datasheet.

Now, it works great under my iMac and I got the following output from new firmware:


AT version
SDK version 0.9.5


If you are the first time to use Mac OS to upgrade ESP8266 firmware, you need to install pyserial library which you can download from https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool or your Mac OS can't run the program.

在露天買了一塊 ESP8266-01 和 FT232 USB轉TTL module, 在正常工作模式下正常。但是要燒錄成最新版本時,遇到了以下問題。

問題1. 使用 esp8266 flasher 燒錄程式

Invalid head of packet
